The Education Commission recognizes the work done by SUMMA
September 29, 2017
Source: Progress Report 2016 – 2017 “Delivering the Learning Generation” | the Education Commission
The International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity (the Education Commission) is an initiative that seeks to engage global leaders, policy makers and researchers to develop a renewed and compelling investment plan to achieve equal educational opportunities for the world´s children and youth.
The Progress Report highlights that “this is just a snapshot, not a comprehensive recording of all activities that have helped advance the Learning Generation agenda. There are many people and organizations that have amplified the messages of the Commission over the past year. While we cannot recount all of these efforts on the following pages, we are deeply grateful for advocates’ tireless work on behalf of the world’s children and young people”.
The Education Commission adds that “we are working with SUMMA to promote the delivery approach in order to select countries, catalyze improvements in data and monitoring, and also to bring the Latin American experience in education innovation to a wider global audience”.
For SUMMA the collaborative work with the Education Commission represents an opportunity to amplify the message about the need to advance in greater and better investments in education in the region.
The commissioner Patricio Meller (President of Fundación Chile ) has been part of the development of SUMMA and since the creation of the Laboratory. SUMMA is the first education research and innovation laboratory for Latin America and the Caribbean created by the Inter-American Development Bank and Fundación Chile.
Download here the Progress Report 2016 – 2017 of the Education Commission