SUMMA and OAS collaboration | Washington DC
September 29, 2017
In the pictures: Soledad Boss, Educational Specialist of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Jeffrey L. Lloyd, Minister of Education of the Bahamas and Javier González, Director of SUMMA.
The Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE) is a permanent ministerial dialogue mechanism responsible for the development and follow-up on the lines of action established by the Ministers of Education to respond to the mandates emanating from the Summits of the Americas.
The adoption of the Inter-American Education Agenda (IEA) reflects a historical process of consensus building among the Ministries of Education of the OAS member states to address the most important challenges that affect the educational development of the region and impact the right of children, youth and adults to access to high quality, equitable and inclusive education throughout their lives. Moreover, the Inter-American Education Agenda is conceived by OAS member states as a tool to follow-up and implement the Goal#4 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. (
The meeting was held in September 28th and 29th , and sought to build consensus around issues of quality, inclusive and equitable education; strengthening of the teaching profession, and comprehensive early childhood care.
SUMMA seeks to strengthen the processes of collaboration with the OAS, the committee and the Inter-American Education Agenda in order to advance the solutions and address the objectives established in the 2030 Agenda. These regional instances, with ministers and representatives of education authorities of the member countries of the OAS, are a highly relevant opportunities to influence the political decision-making processes, and thus to contribute to the transformation of the education systems in the region.