Implementing institution: Frente Popular Tierra y Libertad
Country: Mexico
Source: OECD
To guarantee a quality educational process that ensures the full development of children's...
A network of 14 public schools offering a comprehensive early childhood...
Implementing institution: Colegio Karol Cardenal de Cracovia
Country: Chile
Source: OCDE
To create an environment of strong and supportive relationships, and to help all students discover...
A democratic school model based on a system of micro-democracy where each of those involved plays...
Implementing institution: Magic Breakfast
Country: United Kingdom
Source: Education Endowment Foundation
Improve student performance by providing a healthy...
A food distribution program and counselling for...
Implementing institution: Asociación Mexicana para las Naciones Unidas de Jóvenes
Country: Mexico
Source: GEII Harvard
That children become aware of the great challenges of the Millennium Development Goals, and propose...
Recreational and sporting activities that promote participation and awareness of human rights and...
Implementing institution: Educate!
Country: Uganda
Source: CEI
To support high school students in their transition to the professional world, transforming them...
Reinforcement program and individualized tutoring to promote entrepreneurship and...
Implementing institution: Fundación Escuela Nueva
Country: Colombia
Source: WISE
To transform the pedagogical experience in the classroom and rethink the way of...
A comprehensive school model that promotes active, cooperative, student-centered...
Implementing institution: Strømme Foundation West Africa
Country: Mali
Source: IPA
Reintegrate dropouts into the formal education...
Intensive reinforcement sessions in small groups for dropout...
Implementing institution: Citizen Schools Foundation
Country: United States
Source: Fundación Telefónica
To close performance gaps at the elementary level, allowing for successful transitions to high...
Practice-based extracurricular sessions given by volunteer...
Implementing institution: IkamvaYouth
Country: Sudáfrica
Source: Fundación Telefónica
To reduce fundamental skills gaps, so that disadvantaged young people can have access to tertiary...
Reinforcement and vocational guidance tutoring for vulnerable young...