Implementing institution: Educate!
Country: Uganda
Source: CEI
To support high school students in their transition to the professional world, transforming them...
Reinforcement program and individualized tutoring to promote entrepreneurship and...
Implementing institution: IkamvaYouth
Country: Sudáfrica
Source: Fundación Telefónica
To reduce fundamental skills gaps, so that disadvantaged young people can have access to tertiary...
Reinforcement and vocational guidance tutoring for vulnerable young...
Implementing institution: Lend-a-Hand India (LAHI) y Vigyan Ashram
Country: India
Source: CEI
To develop the technical and soft skills of young people at secondary level, connecting their...
Small groups for STEM reinforcement and vocational...
Implementing institution: Greenford High School
Country: United Kingdom
Source: Education Endowment Foundation
To increase the narrative and communication skills of students with greater difficulties, improving...
Two programs that intervene in a complementary way on vocabulary and narration, under the modality...