
Implementing institution: Science-Lab

Country: Germany

Source: Fundación Telefónica

Execution period: 2002 - in progress

Plataforma de Prácticas Efectivas:


To highlight the scientific knowledge of the educational system. Scientific and technological training is one of the fundamental educational goals of the European Union for year 2020.


Development of a learning model and approach to science for children from 4 to 10 years of age, applicable in and out of school and that makes children the protagonists of their process of discovery and scientific training.


More than one million children have participated in ScienceLab activities.

ScienceLab started in 2002 its activity in the extracurricular environment with a program for children 4 to 10 years old. It is based on children’s innate curiosity for the world around them. Based on typical questions at these ages (Why is the sky blue, why does water boil, among many others) the instructors of the program guide the children to perform, describe and analyze experiments that allow them to understand complex concepts and processes in an appropriate and motivating way for their age.


The courses offer a wide range of experiments appropriate for different ages, and deal with numerous topics in the field of Biology, Medicine, Chemistry, Physics, Technology, Astronomy, Geophysics (especially Geology). Courses take place in groups of 8 children and last 14 weeks (one unit per week). The didactic approach allows children to progress gradually, at their own pace, through individual guidance; it also promotes teamwork and the connection of the knowledge with other subjects, such as geography or history.


After rapid evidence of its results, ScienceLab has been introduced in kindergartens and schools since 2004. The program has made a special effort in Germany to be implemented in vulnerable neighbourhoods, in kindergartens where the immigrant population represents 95%. In this context, it has managed to provide the same quality training as in other types of socio-economic sectors.

Scientific and technological training is one of the fundamental educational goals of the European Union for year 2020. The PISA reports reveal alarming deficiencies in science and technology education. The causes of these poor results can be found not only in the basic level of knowledge of teachers, but above all in the approach to scientific learning in schools. There is little or no science education in infant and elementary education. Biology and Chemistry classes begin when students are 10 or 12 years old.

Thanks to the evaluation system developed by SciencieLab, a significant improvement in the children’s capacity for observation and analysis, as well as their linguistic and social skills, has been observed through the courses: More than one million children have participated in ScienceLab activities. Between 50 and 100 instructors are trained monthly. Its programs are implemented in more than half of Germany’s public schools. More than 500 kindergartens have received training. Heike Schettler has led the revision of the academic curriculum of the State of Bavaria.


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