SUMMA launches the Education Innovation Map for the service of school communities
July 11, 2017
50 Educationals Innovations
The Educational Innovations Map brings together in an online application, proven educational innovations that Summa makes available for school communities, academics, government authorities, and the public in general. It aims to identify, describe and disseminate successful experiences of educational innovation, promoted and developed in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as in other corners of the world.
At this stage of development, the Map allows us to visualize, through systematized fiches, a set of 50 innovations that offer relevant and pertinent information about the type of challenge that the school communities are facing, the way in which they are solving the challenges and the type of results that these solutions are showing. This challenge-solution relationship is evaluated according to its consequences and impact.
“To create the map we have collaborated with leading institutions in the identification of educational innovations: WISE, Center for Education Innovation (CEI), Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), Fundación Telefónica, Center for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI-OECD), Harvard University’s Global Education Innovation Initiative, J-PAL, and Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA). These institutions have allowed us to generously integrate part of their work in order to nourish this new global map of educational innovations and thereby enhance their outreach in the region”, emphasized the director of SUMMA, Javier González.
At the launch, Analía Jaimovich, education specialist at the Inter-American Development Bank and Ana María Raad, manager of the Center for Innovation in Education at Fundación Chile, highlighted the importance of this unprecedented platform as a window into the world of effective educational innovations that invite the different actors to look with renewed eyes at their own local realities, to identify their problems and to put into practice new ideas and solutions, and to tackle in a collaborative way, their present and future challenges.
At the event, a panel discussion was held on how to promote educational innovation, moderated by Emilia González, leader of development of new projects of Fundación Chile, where they presented their ideas. Arturo Celedón, director of development of the Colunga Foundation; Cristián Bellei, associate researcher at the Center for Advanced Research in Education at the University of Chile (CIAE) and Juan Carlos Navarrete, director of the Karol Cardenal school in Krakow, participate at this panel. This educational project was also included in SUMMA´s map.
In addition, more than 40 experts and key players participated actively in four reflection groups on how to move towards in innovative learning systems from the different fields and actors linked to education. These experts included members of the educational community, researchers, academics, secondary and university students, and representatives of the public and private sectors, as well as civil society organizations.
Regarding the multidisciplinary and pluralist workshop, Javier González, director of SUMMA, stated that “the 50 programs included in the Map are an invitation to continue reflecting and advancing the challenges facing education in each context. At the same time, the various views and experiences enrich the transformative capacity of paradigm shifts in education”.