Day of Reflection on Effective Educational Practices | Crowne Plaza Hotel, Santiago
October 10, 2018The activity was part of the development process of the pedagogical materials being carried out by SUMMA, with the support of Fundación La Caixa. It brought together specialists in effective practices, decision-makers, academics, teachers and school principals. With presentations and work in workshop format, the meeting allowed to show the developed materials and to generate an exchange and analysis on their usefulness and feasibility of implementation, and at the same time to have a validation milestone of them.

From left to right.: Cristián Cox, Director of the Center for Comparative Politics in Education at Diego Portales University; Javier González director of SUMMA; Jesús Manso, Vice-Dean of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Rebeca Anijovich, professor at the University of Buenos Aires and University of San Andrés.
Javier González, director of SUMMA, presented the work and purpose of the research laboratory; Leah Pollak, Manager of Development and Institutional Relations, Fundación Chile; Analia Jaimovich, Education Specialist at the Inter-American Development Bank and Cristián Cox, Director of the Center for Comparative Education Policy at Diego Portales University. Presentations on specific materials were made by Rebeca Anijovich, for formative feedback and Jesús Manso, for collaborative learning.
The day was arranged in such a way that during the morning work focused on formative feedback, beginning with the introduction and contextualization of the work by Dante Castillo, SUMMA director of Innovative Policies and Practices. Next, the expert Rebeca Anijovich, professor of Observation and Practice of Teaching in the Professorship of Legal Sciences of University of Buenos Aires, undergraduate and graduate professor at Universidad de San Andrés and director of University Professorship of the School of Education of the same establishment, presented. Then, Juan Bravo, head of the Learning Achievement Evaluation Division at the Education Quality Agency, and Juan Pablo Valenzuela, researcher at the Center for Advanced Research in Education-CIAE at the University of Chile, made remarks. Afterwards, a workshop was held with all attendees, to end with a discussion on didactic proposal and teacher training, moderated by Dante Castillo, from SUMMA, and in which María José Saffie, director of the Leading Schools tool, from the Center for the Development of Educational Leadership – CEDLE and Mimi Bick, international consultant in education and evaluation systems, participated.
During the afternoon, work focused on collaborative learning practice, which began with the introduction and contextualization of Macarena Laso, Project Manager at Fundación Chile’s Human Development Center. It continued with the central presentation, by Jesús Manso, Vice-Dean of Academic Organization and Development of Qualifications of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. The comments were in charge of Francisca Díaz, director of Centro de Perfeccionamiento, Experimentación e Investigaciones Pedagógicas – CPEIP and Marisol Latorre, director of University Pedagogy and Teaching of the Academic Vice-Rectory of Alberto Hurtado University. Afterwards, the workshop was held with all participants, and the block closed with the respective conversation, by Alejandra Arratia, director of Educación 2020 and Catherine Flores, head of the General Elementary Education career at the University of Santiago.

From left to right.: Leah Pollak, Manager of Development and Institutional Relations, Fundación Chile; consultant in the Educational Division of the IDB and Analia Jaimovich, Education Specialist at the IDB.

Juan Bravo, head of the Learning Achievement Evaluation Division at the Education Quality Agency.