SUMMA is already present in Ecuador
July 28, 2017
The event was opened by Álvaro Sáenz, Deputy Minister of Education, and was attended by prominent national experts such as Alexandra Escobar, Educational Consultant UNICEF Ecuador; Monserrat Creamer, coordinator of group education FARO; Augusto Espinosa, Chairman Commission on Education, Culture, Science and Technology and Harvey Sánchez, Executive Director INEVAL.
At the VII Summit of the Americas in Panama in April 2015, OAS member countries commissioned the creation of a research and innovation laboratory in education that promoted greater and better use of rigorous evidence in public policy decisions in education.
Subsequently, based on the commitment and concrete support of seven countries in the region and the strategic alliance between the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Fundación Chile, SUMMA began its activities in October 2016 in Santiago, Chile, officially Inaugurated in November of that year in Washington DC, in the offices of the IDB.
SUMMA has already been implemented in Uruguay and Chile, and with respect to the role of SUMMA in Ecuador, SUMMA Director Javier González emphasized that the evidence shows that “the region lags behind in terms of its academic achievements, when it is taken in consideration of their level of economic development”. To reverse this situation, he stressed the need to increase investment in education and especially the effectiveness with which it is carried out.
In the event, the Platform for Effective Educational Practices was officially launched, which aims to generate, systematize and provide robust evidence from different parts of the world for decision-making in education.
Thus, the Platform for Effective Educational Practices intends to support policymakers and the educational community at the regional level, to focus their efforts on those practices in which they have demonstrated greater effectiveness, taking into account both the cost of implementation and The impact on learning that have different strategies and educational interventions.