For each strategy the platform shows the expected level of impact on educational attainment. The platform responds to the following key questions about the strategies: what is the strategy?; how effective is it?; what are the main research findings for Latin America and the Caribbean?; how secure is the evidence?; what are the costs?; and what should be considered before implementing the intervention?
The platform, and each individual strand, provides information on the likely impact of different strategies. However, this cannot be seen as a magical recipe to solve the challenges and issues that every school faces day to day. It must be kept in mind that long run improvement depends not only on school-level interventions, but also on structural system-level reforms that make the former possible. Thus, a holistic approach, which considers both macro and micro level strategies, should be promoted when designing long-run improvement strategies.
Finally, it is vital that decision makers take into serious consideration the problems, capacities and challenges existing in each school and local community, before deciding about specific interventions to take forward.Key stakeholders should discuss which approaches and strategies to adopt having in mind the benefits, costs and risks generated by each intervention. In this sense, it is important to think about: